The DNR Tattoo
Your task is to provide reasons for why the hospital ought not to honor the DNR tattoo. Aim for two kinds of reasons. For one, look up the law for Michigan and determine whether or not the circumstances are a legal fit. This kind of argument will render an adequate paper.
An effective paper will argue, in addition, to honor it would trump some important values of the health profession. Enough has been stated in the text book to suggest some avenues that may be open. To that end, you are writing an argumentative paper relying on principles and values of the profession so far learned to support the position that the hospital ought not to honor the tattoo.
A stellar paper would indirectly weaken the reasons provided in the case description.
This is a 2-page paper with standard formatting (1” margins, 12 pt font).
Answer preview
When an unidentified seventy years old patient was taken to the Emergency Room at Florida Hospital, the medics were confused on what to do after learning the unconscious patient had a tattoo on his chest bearing the word DO NOT RESUSCITATE (Holt et al., 2017). The patient state was a great concern to the doctors in charge since his condition was alarming due to high blood alcohol level. The doctors, however, choose to ignore the DNR request despite the word NOT being underlined and emphasized.
Word count: 690