The Effect of Greek Mythology on the Greek Empire


The Effect of Greek Mythology on the Greek Empire


Write a 2-page essay on The Effect of Greek Mythology on the Greek Empire. Use MLA format.

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The Greek mythology entails the rituals and beliefs that were observed by ancient Greeks who in 2000 BC led western civilization. The rituals and beliefs were mostly a conglomeration of diverse legends and other stories predominantly on a multiplicity of gods (Gabor 2004).

Gabor observes, the mythology had unique distinguishing features such as how the gods bore a resemblance to humans’ forms and were capable of expressing human feelings such as anger and love. In addition, Greek mythology was devoid of spiritual teaching and special revelations which is a preserve of other religions. Also, Greeks had a varied way of practicing their rituals and beliefs as there existed no formal structure on how to go about things. There existed no written code in the form of a sacred book, no church and even no government (234 -242.

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