The effect of social media influencers on Chinese university students in the purchase of fashion and sports clothes


The effect of social media influencers on Chinese university students in the purchase of fashion and sports clothes


Please use the 7 assessment headings below and indicate what you will include under each (bullet
points are fine).
The headings:

  1. Overview and research question (s)
  2. Literature searches
  3. The overall research strategy
  4. Research design features
  5. Sampling
  6. Limitations
  7. Data management, ethics and safety

Answer preview

Social influencers serve as third-party endorsers of a brand, leveraging social media sites to publicize information about brands (Lim et al., 2017; Lou & Yuan, 2019). While influencer marketing is largely examined in the literature, the role of social influencers through social media on Chinese university students as consumers of fashion and sports clothes is not researched.

Word count: 695