The Effects of Deforestation on the Penan People


The Effects of Deforestation on the Penan People


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Deforestation and relocation has impacted on the health of the Penan People in a number of ways, including malnutrition. Discuss.

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The Penan people are just one of the tribal groups of Sarawak, but they are the only ones who have suffered due to the Malaysian deforestation. Over the years the Penan people have relied on the jungle for their survival and a number of them still subsist as nomads. The State regime does not acknowledge the Penan’s land civil rights, and ever since the 1970s there have been large-scale commercial logging on the tribal land of the Penan people (Al Jazeera English, 2009). This in turn has lead to the deterioration of the Penan’s people health and most of them suffer from malnutrition.  In that, unlike other indigenous communities that grow their own food in the land, the Penan people are hunters and gatherers; thus, they depend on the forest to get their food (Hance, 2011).

Word count: 442