The Empire of Giggle : Business Status Review

The Empire of Giggle: Business Status Review



Length:  2000 Words (excluding prefatory section, references, and appendices)


The question posed:


Based on the series of board room discussions, and in reference to your own thoughts and ideas do you believe that the Marx family will be able to make it to Australia? In your view what will be their biggest hurdles and challenges, and who do you see taking on the responsibility to ensure that they do not go back to Belorussia in disgrace. Finally, does the family have any advantages that they can leverage in their pursuit of the Australian dream?


Students should clearly answer three basic questions in the analysis:

1) Is this a realistic business idea in today’s opportunity landscape?

2) Can the product or service be provided on a profitable basis?

3) if not, what is a viable alternative for the family?


In particular, students should answer the following questions:


  1. Evaluate the ‘Empire of Giggle’ business opportunity in light of 3 out of 10 key themes of the entrepreneurial process discussed and expanded on in every week’s class and Board Room Meetings.
  2. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the Board Room recommendations for your chosen themes in relation to the business opportunity and provide theoretical evidence to support your position. Mere ‘gut feelings’ won’t count.
  3. Make a recommendation on whether the ‘restaurant’ concept is as a matter of fact the most feasible opportunity for Marx’s family or whether they could consider an alternative opportunity. Discuss the opportunity in detail and validate it with theory and data.


Answer Preview 

‘Empire of Giggle’ may succeed or face challenges in Australia as a new business environment. This paper discusses entrepreneurial opportunity is for the Marx family in the light of three major themes of the entrepreneurial process: opportunity and innovation commercialization of creative ideas; and the mind and behavior of entrepreneurs.  The threads are discussed in the light of Marx’s family business units and the possible implications. Based on the discussion, several deliberations are provided as the preferred strategy for the members to follow.


Length: 2000 Words