The English-language Instruction in China


The English-language Instruction in China


To what extent has The English-language Instruction in China been successful and well designed?

To what extent has English-language instruction become more of a priority in China in the past ten years?

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English has become a commonly used language across the world, and the extent and status of use can be viewed in context; where it is used and how it is used. In most of the western countries such as Canada, United States, UK, Ireland, among others, English is used as a native language (Wenfeng & Gao, 2008). However, in Asian countries such as India, Japan, China, among others, English is used as an alternative language. As it increasingly becomes a language of communication in different fields, English has become a common instructional language in many countries, including China. China uses English in different realms, including the business, education and other social dimensions (Kong & Hoare, 2010).

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