The Era of Stalinism


The Era of Stalinism


Discuss the Era of Stalinism.

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In the 1920s to 1953 Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union. He developed policies and ideas of legislation and governing the Soviet Union. The means of governance were referred as Stalinism since Joseph Stalin was the ruler of that political period and he was the pioneer of all the governmental policies. The Stalinism regime used the term to further differentiate operations from communism or socialism and the Leninist period during the Soviet power rule (Suny, 1998). Many scholars view Stalinism categorically as an example of Marxism and Leninism ideologies while other scholars hold that Stalinism separately stands on its own from socialist ideologies restricted from it.  When Bukharinists was defeated in the political struggle, Stalinism gained an opportunity to enact government policies freely without facing any opposition.

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