The Essence of Harris – Market Entry and Marketing Strategy in the Indian Scented Candles Market


The Essence of Harris – Market Entry and Marketing Strategy in the Indian Scented Candles Market


Write an essay paper explaining the essence of Harris and specifically focusing market entry and marketing strategy in the Indian Scented Candles Market.

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According to a 2012 PwC report on the ease of doing business in India, the populous country has undertaken notable liberalization initiatives, with its regulatory frameworks making the country attractive to foreign companies intending to do business there. On this note, India is the world’s largest democracy, and by far the second-fastest growing market, rivalled only by China (PwC, 2012). Besides, the Indian government has maintained a stable political environment which couples with its pro-business state agencies to promote economic and business growth. The country’s infrastructure is fast developing and expanding, meaning that its transport network systems and other elements are good for business. Other factors making India an attractive destination for The Essence of Harris include a friendly tax regime for foreign corporations, skilled and semi-skilled workforce, a well-developed financial system, a robust legal system, and great work ethics anchored in professionalism (PwC, 2012).

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