The essence of Labor Relations, Union Density, International Assignees and Repatriation


The essence of Labor Relations, Union Density, International Assignees and Repatriation


Write a discussion on the essence of Labor Relations, Union Density, International Assignees and Repatriation

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The most important terms from the readings were labor relations, union density, international assignees, repatriation.  Labor relations refers to how the companies handle the employees as well as the laws and policies that govern how employees are hired and treated within the company.  The concept is also related to labor unions that collectively negotiate for the rights of the employees in the company. As an IHRM, it’s important to know the policies and labor laws in each country the company operates in. Union density refers to the percentage of employees who belong to the labor union. It’s important to evaluate union density in the countries or region where the company operates.   International assignees are types of employees posted to a foreign country to perform a specific task for a given period.   Most of them are posted to support company operations before the company finds qualified personnel in the host country or for learning purposes.  Lastly, repatriation refers to the exercise of bringing an international assignee home and helping them readjust to the culture.    Hiring an international assignee is very costly for international companies and so is the process of bringing them back home.

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