The essence of Technology According to Heidegger


The essence of Technology According to Heidegger


Try to address the question as directly and succinctly as possible. You will be evaluated on your ability to demonstrate an understanding of the materials. In “The Question Concerning Technology,” Martin Heidegger articulates a critical perspective on technology. What does Heidegger think is the essence of technology? Explain what Heidegger means when he claims that technology is a “way of revealing” (p. 12). In addressing these questions, make sure that you explain Heidegger’s concepts of ‘revealing,’ ‘challenging,’ ‘standing-reserve,’ and ‘enframing.’

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The essence of technology as described by Heidegger’s denotes the concept of reality. According to him, what people perceive, interact or think of results from concealment and transforms into ‘unconcealment’. Humanity engages with nature through particular relations, after reality is revealed.  Revealing can take different modes through which humanity understands or perceives nature. This explains the relevance of technology according to Heidegger: technology is a form of revelation and an important emblem of the modern time. Heidegger implies that technology represents a particular way of revealing aspects of the world upon which people exercise authority over reality. Heidegger explains modern technology-based on an analysis of classical texts, as forcing things into being. This implies that technology reveals different resources and raw materials that humanity consider as valuable in the production processes.

Word Count: 700