The Evolution of Writing at Al-Hameed Restaurant and Catering Services


The Evolution of Writing at Al-Hameed Restaurant and Catering Services


You will identify a workplace, conduct one interview, and then present your findings as a report to an audience of your choosing—one that would have some interest in the writing and communication that goes on in industry workplaces. At the same time, you will gain experience with the style and organizational strategies of the report, a ubiquitous genre in the professional world. The length of your report depends in part upon the richness of your research results; some workplaces will certainly emphasize writing more than other; approximately four pages of (single-spaced) text should be more than sufficient, though your report may be longer because of the use of visuals.

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Many individuals in the catering industry mainly focus on customer care, as well as other catering duties, as the profession requires that the individuals are in constant contact with diverse people who come in to the workplace.  However, it is imperative that such individuals in this industry understand the importance of training and policies as they are significant for retaining employees at the workplace. By ensuring that there is effective training at the work place and extensive policies in the work place the employer has the ability of ensuring that the employees understand their place at the organization.

Word count: 2510