The Exploration of Non-standard Form of Work in Australia-Casual Employment


The Exploration of Non-standard Form of Work in Australia-Casual Employment


Students need to complete a 1500 word reflective journal.

It is suggested that students follow the format below when preparing their reflective
1. Choose only ONE non-standard form of work – either Casual, Labor Hire, Fixed term
contractors, and Independent Contractors. If you are unsure about your choice, please check with the Unit Coordinator before proceeding.
2. Investigate which organizations and/or industries in Australia regularly employ people using this
form of work. For example, casual employment is very common in the hospitality industry, and platform workers are often independent contractors.
3. Research why organizations use this form of work as an option for employment, and what are
their obligations (if any) to employees who are employed in this form of work (use Australian context only). In your research, look for  legal and social responsibilities of organizations/employers.

4. Based on this information, think about your position, or personal opinion, on this form of employment in Australia.
5. Note the extent to which you agree or disagree with organizations employing people using this form of work and give examples based on yours (and others’) experiences, news articles, research, legal rulings, etc. Ask the Unit Coordinator if you are unsure about sources.
6. Based on your evaluation, finish with a statement or two about whether you think this form of employment has a place in the future of work and why.

Answer Preview 

Specific sectors in Australia have become synonymous with casual employment arrangements. These sectors are primarily service-based. First, the hospitality industry thrives on casual employment. According to the Parliament of Australia Report (2018), the industry had about 45% of its workforce being employed on casual basis. In light of the ever-changing nature of the activities in the hospitality sector, characterized by peak and low seasons, most companies opt for casual laborer’s.  For instance, some of the employees on casual arrangements include housekeepers, drivers, tour guides, chefs and delivery people, among others. A majority of these employees are hired when the demand for their services is high and get dismissed once they are no longer needed (Burgess et al., 2008). Secondly, the Retail industry also thrives from casual employment. The various activities in the industry make it possible for a large pool of employees’ services to be enlisted. In that regard, most retail chain firms rely on casual employees in various capacities such as drivers, shelf attendants, tellers and supervisors. According to the Parliament of Australia (2018), the sector has about 12% of employees as casuals.

Word Count: 1700