The Exploration of the Meaningful Use Concept


The Exploration of the Meaningful Use Concept


Write an essay discussing the following (1500 words maximum, not inclusive of title page, abstract, and references):

Criteria Points
  • What is meaningful use?
  • Discuss factors that initiated the development of meaningful use.
  • Discuss ways that healthcare organizations can make the most of their electronic medical record investments in light of meaningful use.
  • Explore how meaningful use is being or should be implemented in your organization.
  • Identify barriers to the successful implementation related to meaningful use (consider legal and financial barriers).
  • Identify ethical issues that arise as a result of meaningful use policies.
  • Explore how meaningful use impacts your current or future roles.
Total 100


  • The application must be in APA-6. Points may be deducted for lack of references, writing style, and APA-6 format.

Sources of support for your analysis may include your Learning Resources (texts, articles, videos) but should also include journal articles from nursing and other professional literature. Use these sources to support the conclusions you reach and cite them as appropriate. Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles along with other sources. The goal is to analyze what you observed and relate it to course objectives, and applications cited in the professional literature and textbook

Answer Preview 

Meaningful use is increasingly becoming a fundamental pillar in the US healthcare sector. The concept relates to embracing electronic health records technology properly. Therefore, this paper will explore the idea of meaningful use and highlight the factors that initiated the development of meaningful use. Several factors, like change in the technological landscape, will be discussed. Additionally, the discussion will highlight some of the ways that health care organizations can fully utilize the adoption of meaningful use. How meaningful use can be applied in my organization will be highlighted. For instance, the adoption of e-prescription can massively transform the health operations in my organization. Furthermore, specific barriers, like financial and legal constraints, will dominate the discussion. Ethical issues that challenge the successful implementation of meaningful use will not be overlooked. Finally, the essay will give an insight into some of the ways that meaningful use will impact my roles as a health practitioner.

Word Count: 1900