The Farewell Speech of George Washington


The Farewell Speech of George Washington


Read George Washington’s Farewell Address to the nation to answer the questions below.

  1. What did Washington have to say about the important of religion and morality to the new nation?
  2. What did Washington have to say about foreign relations and the new nation?
  3. What did Washington have to say about political parties?
  4. What do you think is Washington’s most important piece of advice to the United States? Why?
  5. Are Washington’s parting words of wisdom still relevant for the United States today? Why or why not?

Answer preview

Success in politics has its base on morality and religion. All patriots must subscribe to these values since they are a source of aid and happiness to citizens in the performance of their duties. Both the devout and the politician ought to embrace morality and religion as they are crucial to national and personal wellbeing; this is the framework for our justice system (Washington, 13).

Word count: 486