The field of the woman’s film – Something Else Besides a Mother’- Stella Dallas and the Maternal Melodrama by Linda Williams


The field of the woman’s film – Something Else Besides a Mother’- Stella Dallas and the Maternal Melodrama by Linda Williams


Write an article review on The field of the woman’s film – Something Else Besides a Mother’- Stella Dallas and the Maternal Melodrama by Linda Williams.

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Women in many films are represented as passive and erotic characters, whose function is to be objectified by men. However, this article provides a shift in these characters, where Linda focuses on women as active characters. The reversal of roles in this case provides the reader with a different view of women in terms of the strength they depict in the society, as well as societal expectations of women. The character Stella, who despite being a woman wants to feel dominant, ignoring societal expectations, but in the end, she is inferior, as her daughter takes the limelight.

Word count: 441