The Global Marketing Opportunity for FedEx’s Freight Services in India


The Global Marketing Opportunity for FedEx’s Freight Services in India


Write an essay paper on the Global Marketing Opportunity for FedEx’s Freight Services in India

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          This report seeks to explore FedEx’s global marketing plan that arose from an earlier analysis of the company opportunities in India. Therefore, the sole will focus on freight services through FedEx Freight Priority which will target clients in need of direct fast-paced deliveries. The discussion will begin with the exploitation of strategic fit and business evaluation will form a basis for the provision of services that align with the mission of the company. It would be important to note that most clients want fast-paced delivery that mat matches their budget and creates maximum value. The statement of objectives is a crucial pillar that propels the company to achieve certain marketing goals. The basic objectives are speedy deliveries, reducing running costs, and maintaining and overseeing maximum control over freights. The objectives conform to the FedEx initiative to counter competition from rivals like Geodis, DHL, and UPS.

Word Count; 4800