The Global Media


The Global Media


Drawing on the example of the world wide success of The Voice, this essay will attempt to explain how having a good understanding of culture is vital for creating a successful globally successful television program.  The theories of globalisation and glocalisation will be referenced in addition to an analysis of Cultural Accommodation Theory and Schema theory to demonstrate this argument.

  • Globalisation/ Glocalization
  • Communication Accommodation Theory

Answer preview

There is a language that when used appeals to the masses and is understood globally. In the same way, some products end up getting so popular and accepted throughout the world and even influence change the worlds view of issues (Ambirajan 2000). Debates have arisen about the idea of globalization as contained in the diverse cultural backgrounds and how it affects people’s social life and culture. Moreover, in this concept of making a product global, research shows that success is propelled through adapting what is believed to be a global product and making it to suit the local culture.

Word count: 1717