The Growth of Industry Web Portals


The Growth of Industry Web Portals


For this assignment, use the Academic Search Complete database available in the Online Library to find an article on website development. The article must be published after 2010. Write an article critique that includes the following information:

  • briefly introduce and summarize the article,
  • identify the author’s main points,
  • identify the author’s intended audience,
  • identify specific issues addressed in the article,
  • discuss whether the information in the article applies to this course, and
  • discuss how the author could expand on the main points.

Your review should be at least two pages in length, not counting the cover and reference pages. Use APA style when writing your review. Cite any direct quotes or paraphrases from the article, and include any sources used in your review in a references page.

Answer Preview 

Based on the portal life cycle model, web practitioners have to go through four phases in the establishment of industry web portals. In the first phase, which is the attraction phase, web practitioners are tasked with the creation of a portal which has unique features that distinguish it from those of competitors (Zhou, Djatej, Sarikas & Senteney, 2014, p. 26). This will naturally attract users to it at a greater rate than rival web portals experience. In the second phase, which is the contagion phase, web practitioners aim to infect consistent users so that they can be so motivated by their experiences that they influence others to use their preferred web portal. In the third phase, which is the entrenchment phase, web practitioners can tax regular users through the provision of upgraded services (Zhou, Djatej, Sarikas & Senteney, 2014, p. 21). In the last phase, which is the defense phase, web practitioners now work to constantly defend their achievements by ensuring that their users are not easily lured to try out new web portals that are created by their business rivals. They do this by consistently monitoring the challenges that are posed by existing rivals as well as new entrants into the market (Zhou, Djatej, Sarikas & Senteney, 2014, p. 21).

Word Count: 700