The Growth of New Media has Transformed News’ Production and Consumption in China


The Growth of New Media has Transformed News’ Production and Consumption in China


The growth of new media has changed the way news is produced and consumed. Particularly mobile phones, the internet, and social networking media have increasingly become the default news channels for many urban Asians. Discuss the political and journalistic implications of these developments.

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The advents of technology have had a massive impact in the field of journalism due to the emergence of new media channels. Social media, the internet and mobile phones are increasingly becoming common in media space (Allan and Thorsen, 2009). The latest trends have considerably changed the way news is generated and transmitted to the audience in China. The affordability of these platforms implies that many people can access news at any time. It is worth mentioning that these media channels have enhanced the globalization of news in the sense that the Chinese are exposed to various political ideas across the world (Liu, 2017).

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