The Health Club


The Health Club


This week you have read research on the theories of motivation, cognitive dissonance, and self-perception, as well as processing persuasive messages. Now you will have a chance to showcase what you have learned by creating a recommendation based on this scenarioabout a local health club.

Your post should be approximately 500 words in length and include appropriate APA-style citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition to citing the assigned works you read this week, please locate and cite at least two more peer-reviewed journal articles on one of the areas studied this week to support your position. These articles should be recent (published within the last 10 years).

Answer Previe

The health club owner’s strategy is underpins the application of extrinsic incentives as motivation to attain a desired behavior of visiting and exercising within the club more often. In consideration of the numerous studies concerning the application of intrinsic and extrinsic incentives as motivational factors, I would argue that health club owner’s strategy might work in short-term, but lose in the long-term perspectives. Gneezy, Meier, and Rey-Biel (2011) and Tudor (2011) argued that there have been enormous scholars and theorists’ implications that the use of extrinsic incentives may result to crowding out the intrinsic motivations, which remain very critical in producing desired behavior. For instance, attracting current and potential club members through prizes and other forms of extrinsic incentives will attract members to visit and participate in the exercises, but their focus will not seeking to commit themselves into the healthy  lifestyle. Conversely, use of intrinsic motivation, such as using publicity strategies to help the club’s target customers on the importance of engaging in health exercises within the club, would prompt the members’ desire to become members of the club and engage on well-planned exercising process to ensure proper maintenance of healthy lifestyles.

Word Count: 850