The House Bill On Immigration


The House Bill On Immigration


The intent of this examination is to determine the level of understanding of the student in analyzing a social welfare policy

The policy to be analyzed is House Bill 4720 which was created and filed in the Michigan House of Representatives in 2018. The Bill is still in the process of being considered by the Legislature

For the sake of this examination, consider yourself a social worker employee of a multiservice agency with a diversity of clients, including immigrants. You have been asked to

Analyze this policy so that it could be thoroughly understood by the agency. Explain the implications for clients of the agency who might be affected by the policy

Guidelines to help in your response 

Read the entire House Bill so that you understand, in general, what the Bill intends to accomplish

Who are the primary individuals whom the Policy is intended to help? What help will they receive? How will the Bill change the present policy towards those individuals

What ideology is reflected in this Bill? Give examples in the Bill to explain why you have arrived at this conclusion

This Bill demonstrates a fundaments principle of our Democracy regarding the division of power. Identify that principle and explain how it applies to this Bill

There are many economic implications in this Bill relating to the state and federal government, the clients, the different units of government and, society in general. Give examples of economic implications in this Bill

You have been asked by your supervisor to give your personal thoughts and opinions regarding this Bill both as a citizen and as a professional social worker. Relate your reasons both personal and professional to specific sections or policies of the Bill.

Answer preview

The bill intends to accomplish freedom for the local and international immigrants such that both local and federal resources cannot be used to perform the duties of the country in so far as immigration is concerned. It aims at ensuring that bullying of immigrants stops in the state entirely and that all these local and foreign immigrants are protected before they are subjected to the steady pressure that has been facing them in the past.

Word count: 438