The Immigration Policy – A Case of the US-Mexico Border Events


The Immigration Policy – A case of the US-Mexico Border events


Identify how a policy related to your topic directly impacts your community. Provide some specific examples to demonstrate that impact. You should also outline how your advocacy efforts would reduce/minimize/mitigate that

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For immigrants, the US-Mexico border fence is merely a dividing line between bitter reality and a dream that has plagued the imagination of thousands of Central Americans stranded at the fence that has been fueled by US President Donald Trump’s anti-immigration policy, which observers say is “cruel” (Kerwin, 2018). Thousands of kilometers of immigrants in Central American countries escaped poverty and destitution before arriving in the Mexican town of Tijuana, where attempts to climb the separation fence and jump into the US territory often begin to fail, as the attempt involves bypassing Mexican border guards.

Word count: 854