The Impact of Brand Personality Shape Customer Brand Preference and Loyalty


The Impact of Brand Personality Shape Customer Brand Preference and Loyalty


  1. Complete the entire dissertation by writing:
    1. Abstract (200 words)
    2. Introduction (800 words)
    3. Methodology (1200 words)
    4. Findings and analysis (4500 words)
    5. Conclusion (1500 words)

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Today’s consumers are said to make buying decisions based on their emotional connections with a brand. One way through which customers and brands connect emotionally is when they share alike personalities. This study investigated the impact of brand personality on brand preference and loyalty among smartphone consumers.  It purposed to identify the particular personality dimensions of a brand that will influence a customer’s preference and loyalty towards a smartphone. It consisted of two parts; the review of previous studies, and the empirical investigation. Aaker’s brand personality dimensions served as the research model through which the researcher developed hypotheses around the five dimensions. The test of hypotheses following the model involved a survey of 86 participants. The results showed that all smartphone brand personality dimensions have positive relationships with preference and loyalty. Regression analysis that customers develop preferences and loyalty towards smartphones due to sincerity, competence and excitement personality dimensions. In particular, cheerful, up-to-date and reliable emerged as the main personality traits with significant influence.

Word Count: 160,000