The Impact of #ChooseKindness Campaign


The Impact of #ChooseKindness Campaign


Choose a contemporary social media campaign or project that seems to you to be aiming to promote social change and/or social impact. The campaign or project needs to be active in 2018 and/or 2019. It does not need to be an Australian campaign, but it should be in English.
Imagine you are writing a brief report for a funding body that wants to run a similar project.

Your job is to:

a) gather all the information you can find on the project or campaign,

b) analyse it in relation to existing evidence on ‘best‐practice’ and

c) make a recommendation to the funding body, explaining how the existing project could be changed/improved to increase its impact.

Your report should:
-Describe the social media campaign in detail (your description should include any associated apps, web platforms, plus any non‐digital elements such as billboard advertising, public events etc).
-Explain the background, targeting and scope of the campaign (according to funding body, stated rationale etc.)
-Analyse the likely impact of the campaign. Your analysis should be based on weighing up the stated rationale and campaign elements in relation to the assigned reading (and recommended reading) for this course, plus 2‐3 original sources.

Your analysis should consider the following factors:

Who is the likely target audience? Is the project/campaign likely to reach them? Why/Why not? Does the project/campaign include a ‘call to action’? Is it likely to be effective? Why/why not?

Recommend a course of action for your imaginary funding bodies. Should they support a similar project? If the project/campaign you have researched looks very strong and effective, explain why you think so. If there is room for
change/improvement, offer an example of how this might work in practice.

Note: Your analysis and recommendations should not be based on your personal
opinions – they must be evidence‐based.

Answer preview

As humans continue to enjoy technological advancements, some practices like cyberbullying derail the efforts for convenient use of these advancements. However, the age of social media proves helpful in addressing such issues particularly through social media campaigns. Therefore this report seeks to identify an online project that has proven to trigger positive change. It will explore the Choose Kindness Campaign that has been spearheaded by Little Mix group through a YouTube video dubbed ‘How the girls wipe away hate and# Choose kindness.’ The campaign is vocal in empowering internet users particularly teenagers to come out strongly and report any form of cyberbullying they encounter while on the online platforms.

Word count: 2080