The Impact of E-Commerce on Procurement, Sourcing and Supply Chain Management


The Impact of E-Commerce on Procurement, Sourcing and Supply Chain Management


Topic: How e-commerce affected or is affecting procurement and supply chain management

Type of paper: Research project Length: 6 to 8 pages minimum 2000 words

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In the current wake of technological advancement, it is evident that most departments in business are embracing technology to make their operations efficient thus to increase the effectiveness of supply chain, e-commerce has been adopted (Chaffey, 2015). With orders being placed on the online platform, time and cost variables have significantly reduced. Additionally, customer satisfaction has been taken a notch higher besides organization benefiting from procedures of laborious practices in the manual system. The supply chain is at the heart of most organization since it enables purchase and delivery of goods and services in the firm (Christopher, 2016). It is an important concept that allows organizations to know how much they hold in the inventory and when to replenish supplies.

Word count: 2421