The impact of Personality on Satisfaction


The impact of Personality on Satisfaction


Write an essay paper on the impact of Personality on Satisfaction

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The superego develops between age 3 and 6 years_ it entails internalization of parental standards by the children as well as the moral values instilled in them (Allen 2015, p. 45). At age seven, Suzy is undergoing regression; delving into earlier stages of development that were coupled with fewer demands in the face of extreme or severe stress. Coping with anxiety entails an inclination to inappropriate or immature behaviors (Clark 2014, p. 89). For example, frightened children may respond by indulgence in hiding, thumb sucking, excessive dependence, and weeping. The 7-year-old Suzy is able to identify and realize that she has a boyfriend. According to Freud, we can conclude that Suzy’s sexual instincts underwent maturation that shift from time to time through the stages that entailed the psychosexual development. From the above inference, we can delineate that Suzy’s phallic stage was characterized with hostility between the child and the same-sex parent premised on the desire that is incestuous in nature for the parent of the opposite sex. This state of affairs is referred to as Electra complex and Oedipus complex for the girls and boys respectively.

Word Count; 2500