The Importance Of Palliative Care

Topic: The Importance Of Palliative Care


Submit an essay (500 words maximum, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pts) describing how the Scholarship will assist you in the completion of your graduate nursing program. Preference will be given to students who are currently practicing palliative care and health advocacy.

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The Importance Of Palliative Care Palliative Care Scholarship

The Scholarship will assist me in understanding what exactly is meant by this term, “palliative care”. Through nursing definition, palliative care’s main objective is sustaining and improving the aging population’s quality of life, enabling them to retire actively until their demise. In configuration to understanding palliative care, the Scholarship shall aid in understanding the relevance of palliative care, and its aims of palliative care (Harden et al. 2017). With the two elements, I am quite sure that I will successfully graduate as a qualified palliative care provider.

Word Count: 700