The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Chinese Consumer Fast Food Outlet Search and Choice


The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Chinese Consumer Fast Food Outlet Search and Choice


Write a project paper on the Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth on Chinese Consumer Fast Food Outlet Search and Choice

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The recent digital revolution, powered by advancements in the internet and telecommunication technologies, has its an impact on a wide range of areas of human life. One area that has felt the effects of and indeed benefited from the technological development is marketing. In accordance with the technological advancements, electronic communication is slowly becoming the norm, rather than an exception (Filieri, 2015). As people adopt electronic communication through such models as online forums, web-based instant messages, social media comments and chats, and internet calls, business entities should be more aware of the impact of electronic communication, especially in the context of how such communication can affect customer satisfaction. Word of mouth marketing is possibly the most effective way of marketing (Kimmel &Kitchen, 2014). It entails a person who has directly experienced or is aware of a product talking positively about it. This often has a positive influence on the target consumers, as they (target customers) may tend to believe the word of mouth, hence make a favorable decision to purchase the product in question.

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