The Influence of Leadership in an Organization-Participative Theory


The Influence of Leadership in an Organization-Participative Theory


Before completing this assignment, please review the attached document, Expectations for Short Papers.  It is important that you understand the expectations that are required when completing the short papers for this course. Additionally, this document provides further in- depth instructions. 

For this paper, we will be analyzing leadership. Please follow the below outline.


This paper must be at least 5 pages of content, (not including the cover page or reference page), and completed in APA format (6th edition).  Aside from utilizing the text as a source, you are required to use at least 2 additional resources such as scholarly articles to further help substantiate your perspective.

Your paper must include the following:

  • Cover page
  • Introduction (1 to 2 paragraphs maximum)
  • Purpose Statement (2 to 3 sentences)
  • Analysis (4 pages maximum) NOTE: each section below must be thoroughly examined. While the content can connect, please do not combine sections.

-What purpose does leadership serve, and why is it an integral part of an organization? (Leadership in general, not your chosen theory)

-Examine one leadership theory that you find the most compelling, and discuss specific components (characteristics) that you feel are the most important, and why.

– Examine how those components from your chosen theory would benefit your organization, or organizations in general.

Answer Preview 

Undoubtedly, leadership is the core of organizational operations and defines how successful a company becomes; In that regard, the prosperity of a firm is tied down to the leadership approach adopted. Leadership serves several purposes as discussed below; first, it is a crucial part of management that allows the organization to maximize efficiency and attain its goals. Leadership gives a framework within which certain operations are handled in a bid to maximize the use of available resources yet reach the highest level of productivity (Puni et al., 2014). A firm always has objectives that need a pathway on how they can be achieved hence leadership comes in handy. A remarkable leadership approach stresses creating an environment which enables every employee to work towards achieving company goals and objectives (Northouse, 2018). Therefore, effective leadership will define the exact measures that need to be adopted in a bid to get the desired results.

Leadership initiates action by communicating the policies and plans to workers which mark the beginning of work. Leaders have the crucial task of imbibing organizational values and culture to subordinates with the aim of making them realize the ambitions of the organization (Day et al., 2014). It is the function of a leader to keep reminding employees about the work culture with the aim of keeping them in line with a firm’s goals.

Word Count: 1600