The Influence of Shared Mental Models on Team Process and Performance


The Influence of Shared Mental Models on Team Process and Performance


For whichever ONE article you select, you are asked to give a brief report (i.e., maximum of 600 words) on the background of the research problem under investigation, summarize what the author(s) found, and finally, indicate what someone might do in future studies.
In your research article report, be sure to answer the following questions:
1) What were the hypotheses of the research, or the purposes for which the research was carried out? Identify the independent and dependent variables.
2) What were the methods used for testing the hypotheses?
3) What safeguards of research participants’ (sometimes referred to as ‘subjects’) rights and well-being were included in this research? Are there any safeguards that should have been included?
4) What were the main results of the study, and how do they relate to the hypotheses?
5) If you had the opportunity, what further experiments would you carry out to shed some more light on this area of research?

Answer preview

The experiment ran for between two and three hours and it was done in three phases. The first part of the experiment showed the participants an automated demonstration of what was expected of them. The participants were then taken through a guided training that taught the participants how to operate a plane. The training was done by a skilled researcher who was also taking part in the research. The reason for the hands-on training was so that the participants knew exactly how to fly the plane, as well as know how to operate different systems within the plane.

Word count: 652