The Job Demands Resource Theory- Ash’s New Dilemma
This case study analysis requires you to review a theory, apply the theory to gain insight into the provided case study, and then provide recommendations based on the theory on how to improve the situation described in your example.
-Develop an awareness of and focus on evidence based management,
-Describe a theory and apply it to an organisational behaviour in order to provide insightful recommendations,
-Develop recommendations (hopefully empirically based) on how the organisational situation/behaviour could be improved,
-Identify potential ethical dilemmas/considerations resulting from your recommendations and how you recommend they be resolved.
Answer preview
The Job demands resource theory (JD-R) is based on assumptions that occupation exhibit particular risk factors related to job stresses. The literature on JD-R examines these factors in the categories of job-demand and job resources, making the JD-R a broad model that applies to different occupational contexts (Bakker & Demerouti, 2018). Job demand category defines the psychological, physical, organizational and social factors associated with the job. These include irregular work arrangements, work pressures and a hostile work environment. According to Wingerden, Bakker & Derks (2016), while job demand factors are not always undesirable, they often become stressors when striving to meet job demands.
Word count: 1822