The King’s Conceptual System Theory


The King’s Conceptual System Theory


Discuss and explain King’s Conceptual System Theory.

    1. First explain the 3 systems and provide examples of each system
    2. Explain how the systems influence goal attainment
    3. How could King’s theory help define a clinical quality problem?
    4. Apply this theory to a potential practice quality improvement initiative within your clinical practice.
    5. How could a quality committee align outcomes with King’s Conceptual System Theory?
    6. What additional nursing theory from our readings could also align with an improved quality of practice initiative?

Answer preview

King’s Conceptual Systems theory is a nursing practice guideline accredited to Imogene King based on the assumption that nursing practice is generally directed towards people (Williams, 2017). The domain states that nursing practice involves the care and maintenance of health of individuals, families and communities. The concepts involved seek to focus the nursing knowledge on people, groups and society, and these are interrelated aspects of the conceptual system. The theory seeks to ensure that nursing care is able to attain specific goals. The theory has been applied in nursing practice to enhance the process of care delivery and quality improvement in various aspects.

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