The Late Princess Diana had Borderline Personality Disorder Research paper


The Late Princess Diana had Borderline Personality Disorder Research paper


Write a 3-4 page research paper on Princess Diana. Her diagnosis should fall in the realm of the DSM-5. The class is abnormal behavior in the psychology department. The guidelines in the images must be followed. This is a junior-level undergraduate class. The paper must include 5 sources and be in APA format.

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According to Oldham (2015), Borderline Personality Disorder is just one of the ten types of personality disorders that come under Cluster B of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). A borderline personality disorder is facilitated by both genetic as well as environmental factors. People who suffer from this disorder typically experience unstable moods and intense emotions that change rapidly (Leichsenring, Leibing, & Kruse, 2011). This means that people who suffer from BPD have difficulty calming down once they get extremely excited or extremely angry.

Word Count: 1400