The Laws of Leadership


The Laws of Leadership


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The purpose of the blog is to share information with classmates, as well as provide some insightful content for your final project. Watch the video about leadership (John Maxwell), then complete the Blog assignment based on your observations of the video.

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Maxwell clearly touches on some of the softest skills known to man; the skills like caring and being emotional. According to Maxwell, people do not care what a leader knows but they will regard a leader as great when they find out that they care. Secondly, Maxwell advices that a leader should always remember that in many cases, the heart comes before the mind. It is therefore advisable to appeal to the emotions of his followers before trying to appeal to them by reason. Watching this video has expanded my horizons and has taught me why there are people in this world whose leaderships have not been forgotten. There are people like Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi and the ilk. These are people who lived very simple lives and engaged in the simplest of activities and yet they are said to have been the best leaders of their time.

Word Count: 350