The Leadership of Walt Disney.


The Leadership of Walt Disney.


In this paper, choose a famous person and then form a hypothesis about whether you feel that person
has the skills (had, if s/he is deceased) to be a good president or prime minister of his/her native
country. All topics must be approved by your teacher, and all students must choose a different person.
Obviously, this is an imaginative assignment, but to lead a country takes many skills. Your task is to
quantify the skills your person has and then weigh those against what his/her country needs.

• Title page
• Outline (with hypothesis at top & at least two sub-points per body paragraph)
• 10-page essay
–overview of country’s needs
–predictions/future implications (conclusion)
• 3 Citations per body paragraph (minimum) –
(Smith, 2010, para. 3)
• References (10 sources)
• Appendix (4 charts/graphs minimum) that are referred to in the paper.
• Use Sectional Heading

Answer Preview 

Walt Disney would have become a more influential president than Warren G. Harding because of his accomplishment in the entertainment industry in the 20th Century. When evaluating Disney’s qualities and leadership traits, one could question the basis of leadership. In Disney’s case, it appears that leadership emerged from the intrinsic desire to prosper. In the 20th century, the entertainment industry utilized cartoons in newspapers and broadcast media (Coverly, 2013). Disney’s cartooning thrived in this era as he sought to compensate for unsuccessful efforts by his father.

Word Count: 3300