The Loss of Privacy


The Loss of Privacy


Use link and watch Part 2 of the United states of Secrets documentary:

Then, write a 1-2 page paper that includes answers to the following three questions (remember to cite sources):

1) Do we really need privacy? Some people are of the philosophy that “national security” or “commercial purposes” privacy intrusions don’t really matter.  IT is constantly fighting the battle of security over freedom with user access rights. Do you feel that the user of technology should have no expectation of privacy?

2) What do you think of the robot description discussed by Google. Do you feel that it is an invasion of privacy?

3) Two successive administrations have supported surveillance programs. Research Article 2 of the Constitution and state a position as to whether the surveillance programs are within the rights of the government. Consistent research is required to find the connection between Article 2 of the Constitution and surveillance programs.

Remember to cite your sources in a bibliography.

Answer preview

There are people who argue against the need for privacy based on the philosophy that national securities can intrude into people’s private lives for commercial purposes. On the contrary, privacy is valuable in many ways as it helps in limiting some of the powers of the government and even private sectors because they could use the private information to get control over people. Intruding into people’s privacy is disrespect to individual’s confidentiality rights. Privacy intrusions could also destroy people’s reputations.

Word count: 624