The Mediation Situation


The Mediation Situation


Perform the mediation exercise  If the mediator needs to communicate separately with only one of the parties, the mediator can make this a separate thread. The mediator must take the first initiative and start the communication, clearly indicating the purpose, suggested procedures and agenda items. The mediator will also need to ask the two conflicting parties to start with a statement on what their position is concerning the situation. The mediator’s is therefore very important, and so do some research around how to approach these processes.

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wo parties were involved in the mediation, with one mediator selected by the human resource department of the company. The roles of the parties in the mediation was to  state their grievances, produce evidence to the events that  led to the mediation, as well as come up with possible solutions that may work for the two workmates. The role of the mediator, on the other hand, was to assist the disputing parties into resolving the issues through a procedure that encourages both parties to air their disputes, illustrate the weaknesses and strengths of their individual cases.

Word count: 1522