The Mega Simulation in Facilitating Student Learning


The Mega Simulation in Facilitating Student Learning


Below are the questions/writing prompts which should be followed for the Mega-Sim Reflection assignment. Your paper should be 3 pages in length.
1. Description of event: Presenters’ credentials and background, composition of audience, focus/goal of the event, especially how the event is relevant to inter-professional practice with groups at the micro, mezzo, and/or macro levels.

2.  Describe your personal and professional reaction to the event in a way that demonstrates your ability to critical analyze professional learning.

3. What aspects of your professional identity already developed contributed to your understanding of and participation in this event? Be specific.

4. Subsequent to this experience, which aspects of your professional development do you believe need more attention as they relate to inter-professional practice? Be specific.

5. Identify two ways in which you believe you can apply the material presented in this event to your field practice experience.  Be specific about the inter-professional skills, and agency setting.

Answer preview

The mega simulation was an event that was facilitated by the faculty, staff, administrative professionals in the institution, whose objective was to facilitate student learning. The event involved all students from Occupation Therapy Nursing, Athletic Training, Social Work, Health Science, and Exercise Science. The event was very insightful and informative because, it provided some information on the IPEC competencies that included communication, teamwork, roles / responsibilities, as well as values/ethics. Furthermore, we gained some perspective of other health care profession in relation to client-centered collaborative care.

Word count: 926