The Mexican War


The Mexican War


  • What were the causes of the Mexican War?
  • Who in the country supported starting the war, and who opposed the war?
  • Who were some of the most important American military leaders during the Mexican War?
  • What impact did the Mexican War have on the issue of slavery in America?
  • What are your thoughts on the Mexican War?

Answer preview

There are several causes of the Mexican war that compose of the claim by Mexico that Nueces River was its Northeastern border with America while the U.S claimed Rio Grande River to be the border. The war began on 25 April 1846 when the soldiers from the conflicting countries met at Rio Grande- Mexican army fired against the American militants that marked the commencement of the war. Secondly, slavery was a key cause of the Mexican war. In the South, the American citizens aspired to acquire more slave states to enhance their political power while Mexico endured hard internal challenges (Guardino, 2017).

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