The Mobike Project


The Mobike Project


Write a reflective essay to describe your experience during the project.

The template on how to write the essay is provided below.


  1. Description: Briefly describe the event/experience. (Do not engage in any analysis here)
  2. Feelings: What were your thoughts and feelings at the time? Were they different afterwards? (Relate these to your values and traits)
  3. Evaluation: What was significant about the event and why? How did you make sense of what happened? What knowledge or skills did you use during the experience?
  4. Analysis: What went well and why? What went badly and why? Can you link this to theory or something that you have learnt before?
  5. Conclusion: What would you do differently next time? What gaps in your knowledge, skills, confidence do you need to develop? Or what best practice would you use again?

Words: 2000

References: 15 references minimum (Harvard).

Answer preview

As a group of six individuals, we completed the Mobike project on how the innovative product can penetrate the London market. This involved an analysis of the market environment and how to circumvent the underlying barriers. During the project, group members communicated via WeChat to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the London market for Mobike. The group also assessed the competitive environment of Mobike to determine the product can bypass the barriers to acquire a substantial share of the market. Several solutions to barriers were established and explained in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Word count: 2394