The nature of competition in Chinese online game industry


The nature of competition in Chinese online game industry


Write a full research paper detailing on the nature of competition in Chinese online game industry

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Online games developed for Chinese companies are not only meant Chinese market, but are also exported to global consumers. Similarly, foreign games are imported in the Chinese market to leverage the large base of consumers (Chew, 2016). Therefore, it is reasonable to expect significant levels of competition between Chinese-owned online game companies and foreign preens in the domestic market. Based on these presumptions, several questions emerge.

What is the nature of Chinese network gaming industry? What are the forces that converge to create a competitive environment in the local market? What is the response of the government and business entities to the advent of strong online game industry? How do the global players in the industry affect the local performance of online game companies? While some of these questions are addressed in the existing literature, there is literature gap addressing the factors of competition in Chinese perspective. This paper strives to fill this gap by disentangling the underlying mechanisms and variables influencing competition in the industry.

Word Count: 1000