The NHS should be Privatized : Argumentative essay


The NHS should be Privatized : Argumentative essay


Write an argumentative essay on whether The NHS should be Privatized or not.

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This argument is stronger than the counter-argument which opposes privatization because it is accompanied by real life evidence. According to Coppin & Hubbard (2017), contrary to what many British citizens believe, the NHS is not ‘the envy of the world’. International comparisons made by the OECD, WHO, and Commonwealth Fund rank the US in the bottom third rank in terms of health services provided by developed nations (Coppin & Hubbard, 2017). This means that the UK’s healthcare system is on par with the healthcare systems of Slovenia and the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the privatized healthcare systems of European nations like Sweden and Germany operate more efficiently than the UK’s NHS (Coppin & Hubbard, 2017).

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