The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund


The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund


The paper includes a description of the Social Welfare Policy that you have chosen to study and analyze using the five lenses described in our text book. The process of analysis is referred to as the Blau Method.

This paper is worth 4 points and will be part of the final Policy Analysis and Community Interview paper which in total is worth 25 points which is due at the end of the semester

This paper, no less than two pages should include the following:

A clear description, along with objective data, of the problem initiating the construct of this polity.

A clear description of the policy itself.

An explanation why you chose this policy.

Answer Preview 

Pensions are a social construct; to understand this, I chose the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund to define or frame the problems as well as offer theories that have attempted to solve the concerns. The program was borne out of a real need for the beneficiaries and survivors of the deceased as well as retirees to be catered for when they can no longer fend for themselves. I prefer a conservative approach to implementation of the program since I advocate for an all-inclusive package.

At the core of the program is the labor market; employees realize benefits premised on the level of their wages and number of years they have worked.  Employees use premiums to purchase income protection up to an amount specified by the payroll taxes (Marmor et al, 2017). An equal share is provided by the employers to the social security trust fund.

Word Count: 650