The Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund


The Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund


Write a paper on The Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund

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The fund is based on a sum of taxes that are received under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and also via the Self Employment Contributions Act. The money is then invested into a trust fund of the organization all through with the intention to ensure that all the employees that have served the company fairly and in most cases, government agencies. The Social Security Authority then makes a move to ensure that these funds are simply held in trust plus other resources that are not required for the current expenses into an interest based federal security system that can be relied upon by the country as a whole. The interest earned in that case is later on turned into fund and makes sure that all these moneys are invested into the right hands. By having a trust fund in place, it means that the business is in the right position specifically in as far as trust establishment is concerned (Li 2018). The essence of creating a trust is to ensure that a business is capable of standing by itself and thereby establishing a good name for itself and to also ensure  that the intended moneys are put into the right purposes just as it has been intended from the onset. In this case, we are presented with a trust fund that is simply believed to be aimed at helping the insured retirees while living and also even stretching further into their death because most of the people here look into a position in which they can develop the best formulated system that can work for the majority in this case.

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