The Performance Appraisal Methodology


The Performance Appraisal Methodology


Write an assessment paper on the performance appraisal methodology

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The performance appraisal methods can answer be considered as future oriented. These are methods which are develop with the intention of determining the performance of the employee at a future date. These are methods which do not have any information about the pats performance of the individuals but rather focus on the potential for improvement to meet anticipated standards that can be applied in the industry. These are the methods which are considered to be moderns as they rely on different non-traditional methods of evaluation and are not fixed to a certain process (Buller & McEvoy, 2012). These methods have the advantage of being capable of modification to fit into the strategy which the organization might be applying to apprise the employees. They can be customized to fit different situations as they focus on the achievement of certain desired states within the organization. Some of the common methods which are utilized include management by objectives, psychological appraisals and 360-degree feedback. Within the modern working environment these methods are considered to be the more effective in managing appraisal of employee.

Regardless of the methods which are utilized in the process of apprising employee performance, there are a number of components through which each process must go. The first step in determine the appraisal process is to set clear the expectations. These are defined by the organization based on the HR strategies which are applied in meeting the organizational requirements. In many instances, these expectations need to be aligned with the corporate level strategies employed by the organization. This will also include the establishment of standards that will be employed within the organization. The second component of the appraisal process is the establishment of ways of measuring and evaluating the outcomes upon the application of the input which is designed as per the specification which have bene established.

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