The Potential Impact of Cybersecurity on the Entertainment Industry


The Potential Impact of Cybersecurity on the Entertainment Industry


The requirements were set out in “Requirements_SMW.pdf”.

Your assignment is to submit a 7,000 to 9,000-word research report assessing the

potential impact of “Cyber Security” on the “Entertainment” sector.

Your report must draw on the relevant research literature related to either Technology, Information, or Operations Management.

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This chapter focuses on providing an explanation of the cybersecurity component based on the previous work which has been undertaken. The chapter begins by providing a definition of the concept as applied within different contexts which is the foundation for understanding cybersecurity. Further research is focused identifying the risk which the entertainment industry faces from cybersecurity like hacktivism, leaked content, public scrutiny and sabotage. The potential impacts of cybersecurity are also discussed and categorized into three broad factions of financial, reputational and legal consequences which they produce upon the affected firm. Lastly, the chapter provides a description of the challenges and opportunities which could be linked to the cybersecurity practice as part of the components which could impact the industry with the increased application of cybersecurity practice.

The increased utilization of computers and machines in various industries has presented a number of challenges to the industry operators. With information in the modern age being presented in a digital platform, the potential threat to the platforms upon which the information is shared continues to increase. Cybersecurity describes a number of approaches and technologies which are applied with the aim of protecting the networks which enable information sharing within the various industries (Von Solms & Niekerk 2013). The practice remains important because the organizations within the various industries have unprecedented amounts of data, some of which could be sensitive in nature.

Word Count: 2800