The Practices, Benefits and Pitfalls of Remote Working in Individual and Organization


The Practices, Benefits and Pitfalls of Remote Working in Individual and Organization


Write a literature review on the Practices, Benefits and Pitfalls of Remote Working in Individual and Organization.

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Technological advancements have provided capabilities of people to work remotely from designated workplaces where their employers may be. Using the internet and computers, tablets and smartphones, alongside other relevant devices, employees can perform their tasks from locations that are not their workplaces (Maruyama et al., 2009). In this regard, a worker may offer his/her sales representative duties from home, while travelling to somewhere, or in a remote location away from the usual place of work. The remote working model is increasingly popular among individual workers and business organizations alike. It is associated with a wide range of benefits and pitfalls, which are worth understanding (Heng et al., 2012). Accordingly, the proposed study aims at examining the benefits, disadvantages, and opportunities of the remote working model for both individuals and organizations. In this section, a review of literature is conducted to identify the main themes and concepts related to the topic under study, conceptualize the research questions, and underscore the research gap that warrants a further investigation as proposed.

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