The Practices, Benefits and Pitfalls of Remote Working in Individual and Organization


The Practices, Benefits and Pitfalls of Remote Working in Individual and Organization


Write a dissertation paper on the Practices, Benefits and Pitfalls of Remote Working in Individual and Organization – An analysis of the IBM Branch of the UK.

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Technological advancements have provided capabilities of people to work remotely away from designated workplaces where their employers may be. The current study focuses on resolving the following problem; what are the benefits and pitfalls of remote working based on experienced employees and managers in a real firm that has adopted the practice? A qualitative, interview-based research design was used, where 10 remote workers with managerial roles and attached to the UK’s IBM branch were interviewed. The main findings show that remote working is a beneficial model for organizations and their employees. If well deployed, telecommuting can enable companies to save money, increase productivity and efficacy, and gain a competitive edge in the market. The individual employees benefit from improved employee freedom, schedule flexibility, work-life balance, and overall working efficiency and convenience. The findings also highlight pitfalls for employers and employees, including challenges in leveraging teamwork, managing the remote workers’ performance, and optimizing productivity and employee retention. It is recommended that business organizations adopt remote working where applicable.

Word Count: 5500