The Pros and Cons of Relocating a Firm’s headquarter to developing countries: Dissertation paper


The Pros and Cons of Relocating a Firms headquarter to developing countries: Dissertation paper


Write a dissertation paper on the Pros and Cons of Relocating a Firms headquarter to developing countries

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The researcher undertook qualitative researcher, using deductive and inductive to examine the theoretical background using data from case studies. A multiple case study approach was adopted to explain the nature and relocation accounts of five headquarters. To understand the consequences of relocation, the researcher explicate the reason for headquarter relocation to highlight possible correlation with the outcomes


The finding revealed that international companies relocate following internal and external influencers which serve as pull and push factors, respectably. Firms relocate to enhance their competitive positions, enhance market proximity, avoid high tax regimes, expand their business portfolios. However, these motives are fairly justifiable as firms encounter varied outcomes.

The analysis of findings shows that firms report both positive and negative consequences. For example, a firm benefits from enhanced business connections, access and engaging customers, innovation, association with SMEs, and enhanced performance. However, the internationalization objectives face limitations such as employees cutting, high-cost investments, and accusation of tax evasion and restructuring of the international market.


Word Count: 16,000