The Recall of Toyota Vehicles Across its Global Markets


The Recall of Toyota Vehicles Across its Global Markets


The purpose of this assignment is to assess students’ knowledge of marketing discipline theory, models, concepts, proficiency in their application, and their knowledge and skill specialisation within the marketing discipline. Furthermore, they need to work as a team and bring their own business related Global and Cultural Perspectives to the assessment. The major assignment offers the opportunity for you to tap into different concepts and theories covered on an applied basis to develop a deeper understanding of the key areas of global marketing.

Description Description sample: Students apply critical thinking and problem solving in assessing theory
in the field of global marketing. They effectively communicate in writing the relevance of
applied global marketing theory.

Answer preview

Toyota is a Japanese multinational corporation that manufactures vehicles. Toyota is the leading automotive manufacturer worldwide. The company makes more than ten million annual sales. The corporation has got three main goals, the first being to strengthen competitiveness by increasing their effort to produce better cars. The second is to encourage growth both in existing and future automobile manufacturing business. Finally, it aims at reinforcing its management and financial foundation to achieve its goals. Toyota uses a structured approach used in the discovery of potential failures within process designs. It is a methodical tactic that identifies failure modes and process functions, as well as the effects that they have on processes and products.

Word count: 2054

Slide count: 9